Sivill Service Safeguarding Policy

Sivill Service is committed to Safeguarding in line with national legislation and relevant national and local guidelines.

We will safeguard by ensuring that our activities are delivered in a way which keeps all adults and children safe.

Sivill Service is committed to creating a culture of zero-tolerance of harm which necessitates: the recognition of those who may be at risk and the circumstances which may increase risk; knowing how abuse, exploitation or neglect manifests itself; and being willing to report safeguarding concerns.

This extends to recognising and reporting harm experienced anywhere, including within our activities, within other organised community or voluntary activities, in the community, in the person’s own home and in any care setting.

Sivill Service is committed to best safeguarding practice and to uphold the rights of all to live a life free from harm from abuse, exploitation and neglect.



Policy Statement

Sivill Service believes everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status.  

Sivill Service is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and an open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of retribution.

Sivill Service acknowledges that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and is committed to prevent abuse and neglect through safeguarding the welfare of all individuals involved.

Sivill Service recognises that health, well-being, ability, disability and need for care and support can affect a person’s resilience.  We recognise that some people experience barriers, for example, to communication in raising concerns or seeking help.   We recognise that these factors can vary at different points in people’s lives.

Sivill Service recognises that there is a legal framework to safeguard individuals who have needs for care and support and for protecting those who are unable to take action to protect themselves and will act in accordance with the relevant safeguarding legislation and with local statutory safeguarding procedures.

Actions taken by Sivill Service will be consistent with the principles of safeguarding ensuring that any action taken is prompt, proportionate and that it includes and respects the voice of the individual concerned.




The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate the commitment of Sivill Service to safeguarding and to ensure that everyone involved in Sivill Service is aware of:

  • The legislation, policy and procedures for safeguarding.
  • Their role and responsibility for safeguarding.
  • What to do or who to speak to if they have a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an individual within the organisation.


This safeguarding policy and associated procedures apply to all individuals involved in Sivill Service including all Staff, Volunteers and customers and to all concerns about the safety of individuals whilst taking part in our organisation, its activities and in the wider community.



In order to implement this policy Sivill Service will ensure that:

  • Everyone involved with Sivill Service is aware of the safeguarding procedures and knows what to do and who to contact if they have a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an individual.
  • Any concern that an individual is not safe are taken seriously, responded to promptly, and
    followed up in line with Sivill Service Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
  • The well-being of those at risk of harm will be put first and the individual actively supported to communicate their views and the outcomes they want to achieve. Those views and wishes will be respected and supported unless there are overriding reasons not to (see the Safeguarding Procedures).
  • Any actions taken will respect the rights and dignity of all those involved and be proportionate to the risk of harm.
  • Confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored in line with our Data Protection Policy and Procedures.


  • Sivill Service will cooperate with the Police and the relevant Local Authorities in taking action to safeguard individuals .
  • All staff, officials and volunteers understand their role and responsibility for safeguarding.


  • Sivill Service uses safe recruitment practices and continually assesses the suitability of volunteers and staff to prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals in this organisation and within the local community.
  • Sivill Service shares information about anyone found to be a risk to safeguarding with the appropriate bodies. For example: Disclosure and Barring Service, Services, Police, Local Authority/Social Services.
  • When planning activities and events Sivill Service includes an assessment of, and risk to, the safety of all from abuse and neglect and designates a person who will be in attendance as a safeguarding lead for that event.
  • Actions taken under this policy are reviewed by the senior management team on an annual basis.
  • This policy, related policies and the Safeguarding Procedures are reviewed no less than on a two yearly basis and whenever there are changes in relevant legislation and/or government guidance.



Sivill Service is committed to developing and maintaining its capability to implement this policy and procedures.
In order to do so the following will be in place:

  • A clear line of accountability within the organisation for the safety and welfare of all individuals.
  • Access to relevant legal and professional advice.
  • safeguarding is being addressed and how any reports have been addressed.
  • Safeguarding procedures that deal effectively with any concerns of abuse or neglect, including those caused through poor practice.
  • Arrangements to work effectively with other relevant organisations to safeguard and promote the welfare of individuals, including arrangements for sharing information.
  • Codes of conduct for relevant individuals that specify zero tolerance of abuse in any form.
  • Risk assessments that specifically include safeguarding of all.
  • Policies and procedures that address the following areas and which are consistent with this Safeguarding policy.


  • Safeguarding Children
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Social Media
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Safe activities risk assessments
  • Code of Conducts and a process for breach of these - Staff, Officials, Volunteers and any Participants
  • Discipline and grievance
  • Concerns, Complaints and Compliments
  • Whistleblowing
  • Safe recruitment and selection (staff and volunteers)
  • Contract compliance
  • Information policy, data protection and information sharing

Key Points


  • There is a legal duty on Local Authorities to provide support to ‘those at risk’.
  • Those at risk are defined in legislation and the criteria applied differs between each home nation.


  • The safeguarding legislation applies to all forms of abuse that harm a person’s well-being.
  • The law provides a framework for good practice in safeguarding that makes the overall well-being of the individual at risk a priority of any intervention.
  • The law in all four home nations emphasises the importance of person-centred safeguarding, (referred to as ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ in England).

  • The law provides a framework for making decisions on behalf of adults who can’t make decisions for themselves (Mental Capacity).
  • The law provides a framework for all organisations to share information and cooperate to protect those at risk.

Safeguarding Legislation


Safeguarding in all home nations is compliant with United Nations directives on the rights of disabled people and commitments to the rights of older people.  It is covered by:

  • The Human Rights Act 1998
  • The Data Protection Act 2018
  • General Data Protection Regulations 2018

The practices and procedures within this policy are based on the relevant legislation and government guidance. 

  • England - The Care Act 2014
    Care and Support Statutory Guidance (especially chapter 14) 2014
  • Wales - Social Services and Well Being Act 2014
    Wales Safeguarding Procedures 2019
  • Scotland - Adult Support and Protection Act 2007
    Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 Code of Practice 2014
  • Northern Ireland - Adult Safeguarding Prevention and Protection in Partnership 2015

Many other pieces of UK and home nation legislation also affect safeguarding. 
These include legislation about different forms of abuse and those that govern information sharing. For example, legislation dealing with:


  • Murder/attempted murder
  • Physical Assault
  • Sexual Offences
  • Domestic Abuse/Coercive control
  • Forced Marriage
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Theft and Fraud
  • Modern slavery and Human exploitation
  • Hate crime
  • Harassment
  • Listing and Barring of those unsuitable to work with adults with care and support needs


Each home nation also has legislation about the circumstances in which decisions can be made on behalf of an adult who is unable to make decisions for themselves:

  • England and Wales - Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Scotland - Adults with Incapacity Act 2000
  • Mental Capacity (Northern Ireland) 2016
  • There are specific offences applying to the mistreatment of and sexual offences against adults who do not have Mental Capacity and specific offences where mistreatment is carried out by a person who is employed as a carer: e.g. wilful neglect and wilful mistreatment.

Definition of at Risk

The Safeguarding legislation creates specific responsibilities on Local Authorities, Health, and the Police to provide additional protection from abuse and neglect to Adults at Risk. 

When a Local Authority has reason to believe there is a person at risk, they have a responsibility to find out more about the situation and decide what actions need to be taken to support that individual.  In Scotland and Wales, the Local Authority can gain access to an adult to find out if they are at risk of harm for example, if that access is being blocked by another person.

The actions that need to be taken might be by the Local Authority (usually social services) and/or by other agencies, for example the Police and Health. 


Full Document can be provided upon request.

Policy Owner: Sivill Service

Date Policy approved: 14/01/2021

Next review Date:13/01/2022