Helpful Blogs
Modern TV Jargon Explained..... In Easy To Digest Terms
Some elderly customers we will call Fred and Mavis had an old Panasonic TV that had failed. They were in need of a new TV....Fred wandered around our shop room scratching at his head and declared he was somewhat lost. He deemed that he needed an interpreter that he had no idea what our TV labels meant claiming that the TV would likely have more brainpower than him! In the end Fred came back with Mavis and upon my suggestion they brought a Philips OLED with Ambilights. They are over the moon with it and after a half hour crash course understood the basic details of the TV.
This made me think...... If they were struggling how many others were too? If my own grandparents were to have issues with their TV would they be conned by some eager salesperson (working on commission) selling them stuff they don't need nor understand? I think a basic run down of TV Terms is in order so here goes....
Laptop Vs tablet Vs phone? What to choose 😬😬
One of the questions I get asked most is what is best a laptop or tablet? Yesterday I had a text off a customer asking me for help and saying she was confused and needed help knowing what to pick. I though this would be a good choice for a small blog post so here goes........
I have been working with laptops and computer equipment for almost 15 years now and have seen huge changes in the technology and a swing in usage away from computers to laptops and now towards more mobile technology in tablets and phones. The way in which we use our devices has also changed drastically with a huge shift towards increasingly more mobile technology. In other words mobile phone and tablet technology is on the rise and has been for a while.
That said over the last maybe 8months we have seen a trend back the other way with many people moving back to laptops. This is something that I expected to see from the onset. One area of massive growth at the moment is crossover machines that work as both laptop and tablet. There's a reason for this too.......